Common Writing Errors

This single session can be run to occupy a one or two hour slot as required. It is suitable for a group of up to ten students of similar ability level. Suitable for year five students and above.

How many mistakes can you spot in the following paragraph?

It was a dull morning and I was to tired to get up. I know I shouldn't of stayed up so late but there were lots of good programmes on the telly last night. There's less good programmes tonight so I'll try and get a better nights sleep tonight.

We look at paragraphs like this, and others, containing common writing errors and discuss how to avoid them and how to make our writing better. In the longer session, we also consider some stylistic errors.

We talk about common misconstructions, misspellings (especially "homonyms" - words that sound the same but are spelt differently according to meaning) how to use apostrophes properly and the importance of punctuation.

Why is all this important? We discuss how getting it wrong can confuse the reader and sometimes even convey completely the wrong sense.

Specific topics covered include:

Stylistic topics (longer session only):

In case you didn't spot all the errors, here is a list:
