Welcome to the Crazyverse

ISBN 978-1-904808-85-5

Making fun of History.

Welcome to the Crazyverse is an anthology of comic verse based (loosely) on famous historical characters and events.

Some are pure fantasy. Others, like The Amorous Adventures of Good King Henry are historically accurate enough to help you with your history homework (you'll never again forget the names of Henry VIII's wives and how they met their end).

For the week of St George's day only, take a look at an alternative view of the George and Dragon legend.

Here are just a couple of tasters.

King William

William the first was nought but a boy
When he fractured his nose in a fight.
The senior physician in royal employ
Was told that he must put it right.
Well the good doctor bodged it, and so straight away
He went into hiding in terror.
And that's why the king ever after that day
Was always called "William the conk error".

The Ballad of Robin Hood

In days of old when knights were bold,
And baked beans weren't invented,
There lived a man in Nottingham,
And he was much resented.
The sheriff he, and plain to see
He didn't do it proper,
'Cos folks from there did oft declare
They wished he'd come a-cropper.
Now in that land there was a band
Who gave the sheriff no rest.
These merry men had made their den
In depths of Sherwood Forest.
And at their helm, beneath the elm,
A man most highly thought of.
Yes in that wood lived Robin Hood
And was he brave? Well sort of.

The Ballad of Robin Hood continues for about another forty verses, all in the same tight metre and rhyming scheme.

To buy Welcome to the Crazyverse, click here.

Back Copyright © Keith Sheppard, 1999-2008